Friday, February 7, 2014

The Harvest.

   Happy New Year Everyone! It has been awhile since I have gotten a chance to write one of these, because I haven't had the right words for awhile. I have stared at this blank screen for almost two months because I don't know how to put into words what's been happening in my life. So, I will of course try my best.

    Christmas break has come and gone, and it was quite possibly the most rested month I have had in awhile. I was able to get things done that had been sitting there for a whole semester, and also I was able to organize and plan for this new semester in the ministry. It was much needed peace in my life, and I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with family and friends. I was certain that since I had a month to prepare for the ministry this semester that things would run much smoother, and everything would be okay. I feel like no matter how much time you spend preparing for the ministry life, it's never going to go as planned. I think it's because it is all about God's plans and not yours. It is not about you or about what you want. This concept was such a hard one to learn, because I am such a planner. I plan and organize everything. Ministry is so spontaneous, and I always try and fight that part. The Lord clearly showed me over the break that it is not about what I want or how I feel. I was also asked the question, "Why do you do what you do?" Such a simple question right? Wrong. I could no longer answer, "It is what I love to do." I had to dig deep into my soul, and find out the answer. I prayed for weeks, and I honestly felt that God had forgotten about me. I would cry, and pray every single day waiting for him. I would get so frustrated and try to run from the question. I finally stopped praying, and gave up on the answer. I became bitter, and lonely. It wasn't until last Sunday did I finally receive my answer. One of my youth came up to me in tears and said, "Miss Karissa, thank you for changing my life, no one has ever come to where I live and told me about Jesus. I live in such a rough area, no one ever comes." In that moment, God slapped me in the face with this verse-Then He said to his disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." I do what I do not because I love it, but if I don't go... who will? There are SO many kids that just get forgotten by the church because no one is willing to go to their soil, and tell them the gospel. This is something that has challenged me since that day, and every morning I remind myself, this is why I do what I do. It is one of the hardest verses I have ever had to live out. My life is crazy, and overwhelming 99% of the time, but the harvest is WORTH IT. So I have decided that my foundation verse for Martin Park Ministries is going to be Matthew 9:37. That way it is always going to be in my face as a reminder. So my question to everyone is where is your harvest? I challenge you to find your harvest, and when you do find it, reap your harvest. It will be the most beautiful, and life changing thing you have ever done. Pinky Promise. Now on to the fun stuff, the new schedule. :)

*Tutoring will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:30. 
-If you would like to help with this, please contact me! 

Prayer Requests:
*Kids to grow academically and spiritually as we pour into them on Tuesdays and Thursday.
*Kids financial/health needs to be met.
*Financial needs to be met.
*Stay strong spiritually.

"The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few."-Matthew 9:37

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