Thursday, September 26, 2013

Loving Brokenness.

Home Sweet Home. 

It has almost been two weeks in our new apartment, and I have never felt more at home. I was pretty nervous to move into a rough area like this... but the Lord has been amazing with calming my fears.  I feel like this apartment complex is my home now, and me and Katherine Taylor and our kids are one big happy family. We are starting to build relationships and a community is starting to grow. We love this place, and these people. Here are a few updates! 

Tutoring has begun here at Martin Park and the kids love it! Tutoring is on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00, and they receive  a snack when they arrive, and hear a bible story before they leave! It is an incredible blessing for us to watch these kids succeed academically because in this area most kids are forgotten when it comes to education. 

We are thankful for college students that came out on Tuesday to be a friend, and a teacher. 

       My favorite part about being here is the fact that we get to be the church to the people here. We have already been able to meet and love on so many broken families. We have children that are abused, neglected, and go through nightmares on a daily basis.Being able to be a light for them, and love them in their broken state is the greatest blessing. We have become a safe haven for so many kids to run to, and the Lord is constantly teaching us. I stand amazed in his presence constantly because I can not believe he would choose me to do such a wonderful mission as this. Me and Katherine began to pray for Godly women who would pour into us on a daily basis, and instead of one person... we were blessed with three! These women are a blessing, and always point us to christ. They give us Godly advice, and pray for us faithfully. The Lord has overwhelmingly provided for us once again! It has been a rough and exhausting transition to live in a place like this, but it is so worth it. Our bodies are tired most days, and sometimes we don't really know what we are doing... but thank goodness God is in control and knows the plan for our lives. He was already in this apartment complex preparing hearts for our arrival, and he walks beside us everywhere. He comforts me in my brokenness, and tells me it's okay if I don't have all the answers. He constantly reminds me that all I am called to love the broken. If I can do just that on my worst days, I am doing something right. Love is not complicated here for us, it is the most freeing feeling in the world. You love them, and they love you back even stronger. This heals us more than it heals them. The Lord is so gracious and we are so undeserving, but I am so thankful he loves my brokenness, and uses it for his glory.

Things you can pray for:
1. Our tutoring program and women's bible study every week. 
2. That our financial needs will be met.
3. Pray that our kids will be a light in their schools. 
4. Pray for me and Katherine as we build this community, and make relationships. 

Thank you all for supporting the ministry, and for loving and praying for me! I will post more updates soon! 

"We love each other because he first loved us first."-1 John 4:19

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Loving till it hurts.

These past couple of weeks have been absolutely overwhelming. I have come to the realization that being a full time student and working in the ministry is one of the hardest things I have ever tried to balance. As I begin to get into the routine of my schedule and how I am going to do things I get more excited about how God is going to use me this semester. Not only at school, but in the ministry as well. 

The ministry side of my life, has been a roller coaster of emotions. It has been incredible to watch my kids grow spiritually, but it also hurts to my core to see them hurt. My kids face battles that I can not even imagine going through. When they talk to me about their hurts, I tend to carry it on my shoulders because I want to help them. My heart seriously breaks for these kids and makes me an emotional wreck. I try and be their savior, and fight their battles for them.  When in reality I can not come to their rescue every time they call for me, and that hurts me. Then Jesus whispers to me and says, "I heal the broken hearted and I bind up their wounds." Jesus has already carried the burden for my kids, and I don't have to. I don't have to try and be their hero, when  Jesus was their hero when he died for them on the cross. He has called me to live this out in every area of my life, so that my kids know that they have already been rescued, and set free by the situations they are in right now. I feel that giving my kids to Jesus to take care of is sometimes easier said then done. Every time I talk to one of my kids, and they are struggling, I always remind them to run to Jesus as fast as they possibly can. He is the only one who can make all things new. 

I have also come to the realization that this hurt for people never goes away. Whenever I sit in my bedroom, and weep and pray for my kids. It becomes real that I am in the ministry. The hurt never goes away for lost people.  I am thankful for this hurt because it makes me more passionate in everything I do. Its not going to get easier, but its worth it. My kids are worth it. I am thankful for painful beginnings, and I am thankful that God chose someone so unworthy to live out his calling in my life. I will update more later! 

Things you can pray for: 
1. A healthy balance between ministry and school.
2. My kids and their hearts. 
3. That God will provide financially for this ministry so that it can continue to grow. 

"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers, and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission."-Hebrews 5:7

Monday, September 2, 2013

Love came down and rescued me.

The summer that changed everything.

The summer of two thousand and thirteen was one to remember. It was a short period of my life that was full of laughter, memories and an overwhelming amount of love. A love so real and deep, that it is hard to put into words. So I will try my best.

Many people have asked me, "Karissa, what have you been doing?" Which I quickly respond by saying, "I have no idea." Which for some that can be absolutely terrifying, but for me it is not. The truth is I am being blindly led into something that I have never experienced before. My only choice is to trust that God knows what direction he is pulling me in, and I must obey. For the past three months I have spent my time investing in the lives of people within the Alexandria area. This summer, I worked with kids twice a day in two different areas. I thought I was there to teach these kids about Jesus, but instead they taught me more about Jesus than I have ever experienced before. They taught me most importantly about love. Unconditional love. I would look into their eyes and see a child wanting to be loved. You could bring out toys and play games, but if you weren't there to love them there was no point. I have kids who have been through more than most people do in their lifetime. It became difficult to adjust how I respond to each child because of their situations, but the Lord was so faithful in teaching me how to love properly. Through these kids the Lord has taught me numerous things. I have learned when to be patient, and when to be gentle. I have learned when it is okay to raise my voice, and when I just need to listen. I have learned to be completely and totally vulnerable in hopes that my kids will see that I am human just like them. I have learned about a love that sets you free. A love that breaks down every single barrier you have up, and doesn't hold back. A love that completely breaks your heart in every way possible. A love so strong, that it washes away every fear and every doubt. A love that is healing and calming to the soul.  This love has rescued me, time and time again. This is the love that these kids so freely give to me. 

I can not imagine my life without my new family. I am thankful for the constant support that everyone has given me, and for the encouragement to live out my dream of doing ministry. That is why I am SO thankful that God has called me to continue to work with this ministry for the rest of the year. My current plan is to change the city of Alexandria, one child at a time. I will do this by starting a tutoring program that will reach many different areas. There will be many areas that help is needed. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and being a part of some amazing kids lives, please let me know! I will have more details soon! 

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
-Ecclesiastes 4:12